Buyers and Sellers find that most Realtors are so busy promoting their own accolades & focus on their own agendas, that they forget it's actually about YOU. Kelley puts you first and it matters. Reasons people sell: space (upsizing/downsizing), neighborhood, commute, schools, proximity to family & friends, change in family or financial circumstances, settling an estate, relocating, divorce, investment properties and more.
It's never just about "buying or selling a home." It's about how the result of that sale or purchase improves your life, right? Kelley's first questions will be WHAT do you want & need? WHY is that important to you? HOW SOON do you want or need this to happen? And, HOW will this improve your lifestyle? She brings you the most successful outcome & experience possible because she focuses on helping you succeed in achieving your real objectives, which is far more important than just getting a Sold sign, wouldn't you agree?